THE THEORY OF REVOLUTIONS AND THE MAIN FACTORS IN THE EMERGENCE OF REVOLUTIONSIf we consider the revolution as a phenomenon, its historicity, importance, and place in the historical process are taken into account. The phenomenon of the revolution is the p
revolution, theory of revolution, revolutionary changes, political phenomenon, revolutionary programs, counter-revolutionAbstract
If we consider the revolution as a phenomenon, its historicity, importance, and place in the historical process are taken into account. The phenomenon of the revolution is the perception of the revolution as a whole, which includes some details: pre-revolutionary, post-revolutionary, and some political, economic, and cultural revolutionary events, and sometimes implies rejection. In this article, the characteristic features of the revolution as a historical event are presented, which allows us to compare it with other historical events of the same scale, and based on this, the phenomenon of the emergence of revolutions is studied.
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