Indeed, the task of teachers is to create a school lesson, a textbook that can meet the standards of internationally recognized countries through the development of a foreign language. Fortunately, the fact that English speakers can be found in the first grade of school shows that the system consumes a lot of the work of English speakers. In particular, the number of students reaching the international level in a foreign language is growing day by day. We are also delighted that in addition to our national universities, more than seven students per student are ranked in the top 1000 universities in the world. By the way, mastering science is a little difficult.Abstract
The article discusses the importance of the use of new pedagogical technologies in the teaching of English, and analyzes all the possibilities of the student, taking into account the complexity of mastering the subject. It also gives examples of new methods in language development and explains its importance. Keywords: English, methodology, science, style, lesson, student, teacher.
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