Ключевые слова:
teskari sinf, jihozlar, ma’lumotlar, yechim, texnologiya, faol talaba, masofaviy ta’lim, ojiz o’rganuvchi.Аннотация
Teskari o’rganish 2012-yilda AQSH o’rta maktabida mahalliy sinov strategiyasi sifatida boshlangan va 10 yildan kamroq vaqt icida amaliyotchilar va tadqiqotchilar orasida mashhur bo’lib ketdi va hozirda dunyo bo’yicha ta’limning barcha darajalarida keng tan olingan va joriy etilgan. Ushbu malaka Ishida hozirgi teskari o’rganish adabiyotidan ma’lum bo’lgan narsalar, ushu adabiyotdan qanday amaliy natijalar borligi, teskari o’rganish tadqiqotlari va amaliyotlari o’rtasida qanday bo’shliqlar mavjudligi va bu bo’shliqlarni qanday hal qilish kerakligi muhokama qilinadi. Teskari o’rganish – bu sinfdagi davr sifatini oshirish uchun shakllantirilgan faol o’quvchiga yo’naltirilgan yondashuvdir. Dunyoda jadallik bilan keng tarqalinb borayotgan teskari sinfda o’qitisdh mamlakatimizda yaxshi tan olinmagan shuning uchun ham o’rganishdan maqsad uning ta’lim sohasidagi salohiyatiga e’tiborni jalb qilish va uni pedagog tadqiqotchilar tomonidan ko’proq e’tirof etishni ta’minlashdan iborat. Ushbu malakaviy ishda teskari sinfda yondashuv nima ekanligi, teskari sinf texnologiyasi modellari, uning afzalliklari va cheklovlari tushuntiriladi.
Flipped learning (FL) began as a local trial strategy in a US high school in 2012 and in less than 10 years has exploded in popularity, among both educational practitioners and researchers, and has now been extensively recognized and implemented at all levels of education across the world. This qualification paper will discuss what is known from current FL literature, what the practical implications are from this literature, what gaps exist within FL research and between FL research and practices, and how those gaps should be addressed. Flipped learning is an active, student-centered approach that was formed to increase the quality of period within class. Flipped classroom learning which wide-spreads rapidly in the world, is not well recognized in our country. That is why the aim of study is to attract attention to its potential in education field and provide to make it recognize more by educators and researchers. This work begins with the definition and continues discussing history and supporting theories of flipped learning and its effectiveness, affecting factors, challenges, and possible solutions from current literature. In addition, as a modified version of traditional flipped learning, a fully online flipped learning model are introduced. In this qualification work what flipped classroom approach is, flipped classroom technology models, its advantages and limitations are explained.
Библиографические ссылки
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 5, 2018 No. PF-5588 "On additional measures to improve the management system of public education."
Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2014). Flipping for mastery. Educational Leadership, 71(4), 24–29.
Ansori, M., & Nafi, N. N. (2018). English teachers’ perceived benefits and challenges of flipped classroom implementation. JEELS, 5(2), 211-226. doi:10.30762/jeels.v5i2.820.
Internet sources
FlippedClass.com (Online). http://flippedclass.com/about-m/
Harrison, L. (2013). Online: http://eltjam.com/the-flipped-classroom-in-elt/