Ключевые слова:
bachelors of construction profile, professional competence, type of professional activity, professional education, construction technologies, professional standard.Аннотация
The article has been explained the formation of professional competence on the types of professional activities of future bachelors in the field of training - direction of construction of hydraulic structures. Training of qualified, competent and competitive specialists in the construction industry is an urgent task of higher education systems, due to the introduction of the State educational standard of higher education and the Professional standard in the urban planning area, aimed at the formation of professional competencies for bachelors of construction profile, contributing to the productivity of professional activities of graduates. We present professional competencies that correspond to the types of professional activities that the developed bachelor's program "Hydraulic engineering structures in the use of pumping stations "is aimed at forming within the framework of the educational process. The introduction of programs is due to the fact that bachelors of construction profile, having sufficient theoretical knowledge, are not sufficiently prepared to solve professional problems in the field of urban planning in the context of the introduction of new construction technologies and structural materials.
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