
  • Juraev Islоm Termez State University Surkhandarya, Uzbekistan
  • Islom Boynazarov Termez State University Surkhandarya, Uzbekistan

Ключевые слова:

The term ‘Individual differences’ is defined as “anything that marks a person as a distinct and unique human being”. All scientific definitions of IDs assume the relevance of stability: Differential psychology emphasizes individual variation from person to person only to the extent that those individualizing features exhibit continuity over time Yet, even with this limitation the individual can be different in extensive ways, due to the innumerable interactions between heredity and environment that occur throughout one’s life span.


The topicality of the research: The main law that manage the human behavior is the “INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES”. People are really different may be more than they look like, and we could see that there is no way to be closer to that phenomenon sooner in life than formal education, Individual differences in academically related characteristics can cause failure or success.  In peoples’ lives most important pursuits; obtaining an education. According to Corno et al. (2002), each individual “has worked out over many years how to respond in her own way to symbol systems and social cues. Each has aptitude for the current situation.

Библиографические ссылки

Jalolov, J.J., Makhkamova, G.T., Ashurov Sh. S., English Language Teaching Methodology. Tashkent. 2015. [p. 91-163]

Thamarana, Simhachalam. An Overview of Communicative Language Teaching. 5th International Conference on English Language and Literature., Hyderabad, India, June 28 – 29, 2014. [p. 64-68]

Hamid Asman., Teaching speaking through role playing method viewed from students’ interest., SELL Journal. 2016. [p. 40-41]

Ahmedova, L. T., Normuratova, V. I. Teaching English Practicum. Tashkent. 2011. [p. 85-96]

Psychology for language teachers: a social constructivist approach

Marion Williams, R. Burden Published 1997(Chapters 1 and 2)

Methodological development of teaching English to young learners V.Reilly and S.Ward(1997)

Teaching children before primary learning. A.Pinter(2006)

Slattery Mary, Willis Jane. English for Primary Teachers (2001)


The young person`s search for identity. E.H.Erikson reported in M.Williams and R.Burden.(1997)

The idea that adolescents present and ideal teaching and learning age. P.Ur(1996:286) and R.Ellis(1994:484-494). Also C.Damim et al(2002)

Boynazarov, I. (2022). The interoperability of complexity, accuracy, and fluency exercises in developing the speaking ability of efl students. Emergent: Journal of Educational Discoveries and Lifelong Learning (EJEDL), 3(06), 28-30.

Boynazarov, I. (2021). Investigating Factors Causing EFL Instructors’ Demotivation and Finding Possible Solutions. International Journal of Development and Public Policy, 1(7), 45-47.

Boynazarov, I. (2022). Understanding Intercultural Competence and its Assessment Tools. Eurasian Scientific Herald, 9, 135-138.




Как цитировать

Islоm J., & Boynazarov, I. . (2022). INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN EFL GROUPS. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 1(4), 875–881. извлечено от