
  • Kiyasova Rano Malikovna senior teacher
  • Rasulova Zukhra Khakimberdivna senior teacher
  • Raxmonova Yulduz Khusanovna PhD student, ass
  • Khusanova Indira Akbardianovna ass. Department of Foreign Languages Tashkent State Transport University

Ключевые слова:

English as a foreign language, semantic analysis of writing, semantic mapping


The exploration of Semantics is a crucial domain encompassing word meanings, references, senses, logic, perlocutions, and illocutions. Essentially, delving into Semantics enhances students’ comprehension and awareness of word meanings, sentence connections, discourse, and context. It also empowers students to construct and refine their Semantics maps, which visually depict the meaning-based associations between a word or phrase and a cluster of related words or concepts. This paper represents my endeavor to implement theoretically-sound strategies in the planning and instruction of a Semantic course for English Foreign Language Learners (EFL). The objective of this paper is to underscore the importance of leveraging meaning mechanisms for effective human communication. Concurrently, fostering lexical development will deepen students’ grasp of language meanings and semantic relationships. The course aims to focus on imparting key terms in Semantics, the Semantics Analysis of Writing (SAW) approach, and the 'agent-action-goal with real-life action' technique, utilizing these concepts to enhance students’ vocabulary in the short term and their language proficiency in the long term. Integrating Semantics information with L2 vocabulary strategies is pivotal for language acquisition. By implementing semantics strategies, this paper seeks to elucidate the correlation between Semantics instruction and the enhancement of ELLs’ language skills.

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Как цитировать

Malikovna, K. R., Khakimberdivna, R. Z., Khusanovna, R. Y. ., & Akbardianovna, K. I. . (2024). UNVEILING THE HEART OF LANGUAGE: HOW SEMANTICS EMPOWERS EFFECTIVE WRITING FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 2(20), 33–40. извлечено от http://nauchniyimpuls.ru/index.php/noiv/article/view/15276