
  • Yuldashova Shahlo Toyirovna Bukhara State Medical Institute

Ключевые слова:

social system, educational system, specific innovations, education is the innovative activity, intellectual potential, mono-innovation.


It should be taken into account that the changes taking place in our society in the economic, social, political and cultural spheres depend on the education system, which determines the intellectual potential of our country in the future and is considered the main condition for its development. At the same time, the growth of intellectual 7potential, its development at the level of quality affects not only the increase in the efficiency of education, the improvement of the system in this area, but also significantly affects the growth of all areas of this social system. That is why today one of the strategic directions in education is defined as the main factor in the innovative activity of educational institutions. Awareness of the need to reform the educational system in practice requires educational institutions to include innovative processes, to see the opportunity to create themselves in the existing innovation space and, most importantly, to absorb specific innovations.

Библиографические ссылки

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Toyirovna, Y. S. (2022). The importance of integrative and creative capabilities of students of medical institutes. Барқарорлик ва Етакчи Тадқиқотлар онлайн илмий журнали, 2(1), 450-462.

Toirovna, Y. S. (2022). Integrative education of university students. Барқарорлик ва етакчи тадқиқотлар онлайн илмий журнали, 2(3), 73-77.

Юлдашева, Ш. (2021). Основные Тенденции Интегративно-Креативных Возможностейстудентов в Высшем Медицинском учебном Заведении и их Влияние на их Деятельность. Central Asian Journal of Medical and natural sciences, 2(3), 369-377.

Yuldashоva Shakhlo Toyirovna 2023. Innovative Activity of a Modern Teacher. AMALIY VA TIBBIYOT FANLARI ILMIY JURNALI. 2, 2 (Feb. 2023), 194–200.




Как цитировать

Toyirovna, Y. S. . (2023). INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATION. Новости образования: исследование в XXI веке, 1(8), 215–219. извлечено от