Ключевые слова:
Speaking skill, speech mechanism, methodology, teaching system, methodological literatureАннотация
The article is based on the importance of beginning stage of teaching in education to develop oral communication in foreign language learning for pupils. When talking about the formation and development of oral speaking skills in English in primary school pupils or students, it is necessary to dwell on the issues of speech activity, the formation of human speech and the formation of speech in students. The tooth is fit for purpose. The main function of language is to be a means of communication between people. A person develops speech throughout his life.
Библиографические ссылки
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S. Folomkina «Uchebnik angliyskogo yazyka dlya 5 klassov». Moscow 1968.
A. A. Leontev «Texnologicheskie edinitsy i porojdenie rechevogo vyskazyvaniya» 1969.
D. Miller "Theory of rechevoy deyatelnosti." Moscow 1968.
A. A. Leontev "Psycholinguistics". Leningrad 1967.
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