Ключевые слова:
Transboundary waters, water policy, transboundary rivers, global environmental issues.Аннотация
The problem of Central Asian countries using transboundary rivers internationally and its legal regulation in accordance with international legal norms and principles are discussed in the article. Speaking of the issue with transboundary rivers, it was the rivers' navigability; but, in the cases of Amudariya and Syrdaria, it was the issue with irrigation, or having equitable access to the river resources.
The author provides a number of historical examples while paying close attention to how the issues were resolved. The author then provides a comprehensive list of international agreements and documents that address the issue, despite the fact that it is noted that there are no set standards for the usage of transboundary rivers.
Библиографические ссылки
UN Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses. Mukhametzyanov A., 2006,
Махмудов, Н. И., Сайидалиев, С. С., & Каттаханова, Р. Ю. (2019). ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В ДИАГНОСТИКЕ ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЙ ПОДЖЕЛУДОЧНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ У ДЕТЕЙ. In Инновации в медицине. Материалы I международной научно-практической конференции-Махачкала, 2019.-Том. II.-232 с. (p. 37).