Teaching from methods and strategies that promote critical thinking engage students in an active learning process. An active learning process requires students to be directly involved in the learning process, thus they are more likely to commit to memory information associated with the lesson.
Библиографические ссылки
Stahl, Steven A. Vocabulary Development. Cambridge, M A: Brookline Books, 1999
Biemiller, Andrew. “Teaching Vocabulary: Early, Direct, and Sequential.” American Educator. Spring 2001.
Hodkinson, Kenneth, and Sandra Adams. Wordly Wise 3000, Book 3. Cambridge,M A: Educators Publishing Service, 2001.
Hunt, Alan, and David Beglar. “Current Research and Practice in Teaching Vocabulary.” The Language Teacher Online, 22.01 (January 1998).
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. “The Cognitive
Foundations of Learning to Read: A Framework.” Online. Available