
  • Saidova Munisa Sadriddinovna Bukhara Technical School of Public Health named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina
  • Fayziyeva Zarina Alpomish qizi Bukhara Technical School of Public Health named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina


Encephalopathy, brain tissue, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injuries, hypertension, disorders of muscle tone, paresis and paralysis, pathological motor acts.


Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) is a concept that unites a group of motor disorders that occur as a result of damage to various brain structures in the perinatal period. Infantile cerebral palsy may include mono-, hemi-, para-, tetra- paralysis and paresis, pathological changes in muscle tone, hyperkinesis, speech disorders, unsteadiness of gait, movement coordination disorders, frequent falls, lagging of the child in motor and mental development. With cerebral palsy, intellectual disorders, mental disorders, epilepsy, hearing and vision disorders can be observed. Cerebral palsy is diagnosed mainly according to clinical and anamnestic data. The algorithm of examination of a child with cerebral palsy is aimed at identifying concomitant pathology and excluding other congenital or postpartum pathology. People with cerebral palsy should undergo rehabilitation therapy for life, receive medication, surgery and a physiotherapist as needed.


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How to Cite

Sadriddinovna, S. M. ., & Alpomish qizi, F. Z. . (2023). CEREBRAL PALSY. Scientific Impulse, 1(7), 52–56. Retrieved from https://nauchniyimpuls.ru/index.php/ni/article/view/5562