Ключевые слова:
management of the activities of a medical institution, performance indicators of a medical institution, total quality management (TQM) method, standardization.Аннотация
The problems of managing medical institutions in modern conditions are considered: underfunding, low level of trust of Russian citizens in the healthcare system, problems of quality and accessibility of medical services, shortage of highly qualified medical personnel, low managerial qualifications of heads of healthcare organizations. The main factors complicating the management of healthcare organizations have been identified. The main directions for improving the work of healthcare institutions have been identified. Increasing operational efficiency means improving key indicators of the medical and social efficiency of a medical organization. Different approaches to determining the efficiency of a medical organization are considered: efficiency on the part of contractors, efficiency on the part of patients, efficiency on the part of staff, efficiency on the part of management. To solve problems in the management of a medical institution and improve the efficiency of its work, it is proposed to use the total quality management (TQM) method.
Библиографические ссылки
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