Ключевые слова:
lotin-yunon, terminologiya, atamashunoslik, tibbiyot, termin, kasallik, ibora, tibbiy xodim.Аннотация
Bu maqolada asosan tibbiyotga oida terminlar va ularning bugungi kunda tibbiyotning barcha sohalarida ishlatilishi va lotin tilining terminologiyadagi o‘rni haqida fikr-mulohazalar yuritilgan.
Библиографические ссылки
ПОРЕЦКИЙ Я. И. Элементы латинского словообразования и современные языки. - Минск: 1977. - 123 с.
DECKERS M.-C. Le vocabulaire de Theilhard de Chardin. Les éléments grecs. - Grembloux: Duculot, 1968. - 212 p
KOSTITCH A. Le problème de la terminologie médicale. - La Presse médicale, 1971, N1, p.20.
Esonovna, A. S. (2020). Linguistic features of Latin and Greek synonymous morphemes in the lexical system of the french language. International scientific review, (LXXII), 47-48.
Abrayeva, Shahnoza Esonovna. "LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF LATIN AND GREEK SYNONYMOUS MORPHEMES IN THE LEXICAL SYSTEM OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE." International scientific review of the problems and prospects of modern science and education. 2020.
Abrayeva, S. E. (2020). LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF LATIN AND GREEK SYNONYMOUS MORPHEMES IN THE LEXICAL SYSTEM OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. In International scientific review of the problems and prospects of modern science and education (pp. 47-48).
Esonovna, A. S. (2023). Substitution of Latin and Greek Morphemes in Words in Medical Terminology. Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science, 4(2), 32-34.