
  • Jurayeva Maftuna Erkin qizi Master's degree student, Linguistics:English, Fergana state university
  • Pulatova Kamilla Andreyevna Master's degree student, Linguistics:English, Fergana state university
  • Yusupova Sabohat A'zamjonovna Head teacher, English faculty, Fergana state university PhD
  • Usmonov Farhod Faxriddinovich Head teacher, Uzbek linguistics, Andijan state university

Ключевые слова:

media, discourse, text, analysis, Internet, online, acronyms, context.


Since most people get their information about the world from newspapers, periodicals, and TV shows, mass media have a significant impact on how the public perceives the globe. The defining characteristics of the media are their notoriety, which refers to an infinite variety of consumers; indirect, divided in place and time contact communicants; one path of influence from the communicator to the recipient; and the inability of altering their roles. In addition to serving as a conduit for information, the media also actively participate in sociopolitical and economic processes, helping to determine mood and conditions

Библиографические ссылки

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. — Pearson ELT UK, 2009. — 321 p..

Urban Dictionary, 2011. Von Clausewitz, Carl. (transl. Michael Howard and Peter Paret), 1976. On War. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Allusions. Incorporated Springfield,

Massachusetts, 2011. — 180-300 p.

Bauman R. 'Ways of speaking', Explorations in the ethnography of speaking. / J. Sherzer — 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 433 p.

Petrova O. V. Introduction into theory and practice of translation. Moscow, 2006.

Miram G. E. Basics of translation / A. M. Gon, L. A.Taranukha, M. V. Grischenko. — Moscow, 2002.

Komissarov V. N. Manual for translation from English into Russian / Y. I. Retsker, V. N. Tarkhov. Second volume. Moscow, 1965.

Retsker Y. I. Theory of translation and practice of translation. — Moscow, 1974.

Retsker Y. I. Frames for knowledge presentation. Y. I. Retsker Moscow, 1975.




Как цитировать

Maftuna Erkin qizi, J. ., Kamilla Andreyevna, P. ., Sabohat A'zamjonovna, Y., & Farhod Faxriddinovich, U. . (2022). MEDIA DISCOURSE FEATURES. Научный Импульс, 1(3), 561–565. извлечено от


