Ключевые слова:
oʻzbek tili, turkiy til,ma'naviyat, jamiyat millat.Аннотация
Ushbu maqolada o'zbek tilining paydo bo'lishi, shuningdek taraqqiyot bosqichlari rivojlangan davri yaʼni bu tilda buyuk asarlar yaratilishi haqida soʻz boradi.
Библиографические ссылки
Nosirjon Uluqovning “Tilshunoslik nazaryasi” kitobi 49-bet
Sayfullayeva R.”Hozirgi o`zbek adabiy tili” 14-bet
Jamolxonov H. “Hozirgi o`zbek adabiy tili” 78 -bet
Mengaliyev B. “Hozirgi o`zbek adabiy tili” 5-6-7 betlar.
Gulomiddinovna, A. U., & Musayevich, O. S. (2022). Ways of environmental education in the teaching of chemistry in higher education. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 12(5), 341-343.
Gulomiddinovna, A. U., & Musayevich, O. S. (2022). Ways of environmental education in the teaching of chemistry in higher education. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 12(5), 341-343.
Gulomiddinovna, A. U., & Musayevich, O. S. (2022). Ways of environmental education in the teaching of chemistry in higher education. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 12(5), 341-343.
Gulomiddinovna, A. U., & Musayevich, O. S. (2022). Ways of environmental education in the teaching of chemistry in higher education. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 12(5), 341-343.
Gulomiddinovna, A. U., & Musayevich, O. S. (2022). Ways of environmental education in the teaching of chemistry in higher education. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 12(5), 341-343.