Ключевые слова:
Sport, qo’l jangi, psixologiya, ruhiy namuna, tezlik, g’alaba, musobaqa.Аннотация
Mazkur maqolada qo’l jangi bo’yicha sportchilarni musobaqalarga psixologik jihatdan tayyorlashning ijobiy jihatlari bo’yicha taklif va tavsiyalar ishlab chiqilgan. Shuningdek, qo’l jangi bo’yicha sportchilarda musobaqaga tayyorgarlikning psixologik ahamiyati tajribada isbotlangan.
Библиографические ссылки
Ergasheva, K. B., Khuzhakulova, N. F., & Elmurodova, A. S. (2022). Study of the influence of soil composition on the yield and quality indicators of wheat grain. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 4, 17-21.
Ergasheva, K. B., Khuzhakulova, N. F., & Elmurodova, A. S. (2022). Study of the influence of soil composition on the yield and quality indicators of wheat grain. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 4, 17-21.
Ergasheva, K. B., Khuzhakulova, N. F., & Elmurodova, A. S. (2022). Study of the influence of soil composition on the yield and quality indicators of wheat grain. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 4, 17-21.
Ergasheva, K. B., Khuzhakulova, N. F., & Elmurodova, A. S. (2022). Study of the influence of soil composition on the yield and quality indicators of wheat grain. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 4, 17-21.
Ergasheva, K. B., Khuzhakulova, N. F., & Elmurodova, A. S. (2022). Study of the influence of soil composition on the yield and quality indicators of wheat grain. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 4, 17-21.