
  • Egamberdiyeva Iroda the teacher of Andijan State Institute of Foreign


Technology, history, century, newspapers, mass media.


Television has played a vital role in the development of society. Television has changed the societies of the world so much that one cannot ignore its importance. When we talk to our grandparents or great- grandparents about life before Television, they will tell us that they used to listen to the radio and read newspapers and books.

  Television today has become an important part of every house. It is the source of information, entertainment and education. Television has become an important tool in transmitting cultural values. Television has been able to shape cultural and public opinion.

The only problem with old traditional media was that it took time to reach people, like print media, it took years to influence the culture, but with television, the impact was instantaneous.


Anjum, H., Sep 15, 2013 . Impact of Television on Culture.

Essays, U., May 2017. Television & Cultural Change.

Essay, U., November 2018. Television Plays a Positive Role in Society.

Matheson, D., 2005. Media Discourses. 1st ed. s.l.:Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow.

Poepsel, M., n.d. Media, Society, Culture and You. Rebus Community platform ed. s.l.:Apple iBooks platform.




How to Cite

Egamberdiyeva Iroda. (2023). TELEVISION. Education News: Exploring the 21st Century, 2(16), 245–248. Retrieved from