
  • Toirov Olimjon Zuvurovich Tashkent state engineering "Electric machines" department of the university, Doctor of technical sciences, professor head of the department
  • Xudoberdiyev Shavkatjon Nurmatjon Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov Graduate student of the Faculty of Thermal Energy


In recent years, our country has undergone radical changes aimed at developing the economy and improving the living standards of the population. Free economic zones, technoparks and clusters are being established in different regions of the country. On the basis of such strategic programs as “Prosperous Village”,


Keyingi yillarda mamlakatimizda iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirish va aholi turmush darajasini oshirishga qaratilgan tub o‘zgarishlar amalga oshirildi. Mamlakatimizning turli hududlarida erkin iqtisodiy zonalar, texnoparklar, klasterlar tashkil etilmoqda. “Obod qishloq”, Obod mahalla  Xavfsiz shahar kabi strategik dasturlar asosida shahar va qishloqlarda ulkan bunyodkorlik ishlari amalga oshirilib, ularning qiyofasi butunlay yangilanmoqda. Shunga ko‘ra turizm ham rivojlanmoqda. Ayni paytda atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish va ekologik barqarorlikni ta’minlashga har qachongidan ham ko‘proq e’tibor qaratilmoqda. So'nggi paytlarda elektr energiyasi tariflarining ko'tarilishi tufayli qayta tiklanadigan amaliyotda bepul energiya manbalari tobora dolzarb bo'lib bormoqda


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Shalaeva, E., Babadjanov, B., Matmurotov, Q., Pulatov, U., Janabaev, B., Bobabekov, A., ... & Babadjanova, M. (2015). Short-and long-term results of balloon angioplasty in diabetic patients with foot purulent-necrotic complications. Atherosclerosis, 241(1), e181-e182.

Shalaeva, E., Babadjanov, B., Matmurotov, Q., Pulatov, U., Janabaev, B., Bobabekov, A., ... & Babadjanova, M. (2015). Short-and long-term results of balloon angioplasty in diabetic patients with foot purulent-necrotic complications. Atherosclerosis, 241(1), e181-e182.

Shalaeva, E., Babadjanov, B., Matmurotov, Q., Pulatov, U., Janabaev, B., Bobabekov, A., ... & Babadjanova, M. (2015). Short-and long-term results of balloon angioplasty in diabetic patients with foot purulent-necrotic complications. Atherosclerosis, 241(1), e181-e182.

Shalaeva, E., Babadjanov, B., Matmurotov, Q., Pulatov, U., Janabaev, B., Bobabekov, A., ... & Babadjanova, M. (2015). Short-and long-term results of balloon angioplasty in diabetic patients with foot purulent-necrotic complications. Atherosclerosis, 241(1), e181-e182.




How to Cite

Olimjon Zuvurovich, T. ., & Shavkatjon Nurmatjon , . X. . (2022). CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF MINI GESTURES IN UZBEKISTAN. Education News: Exploring the 21st Century, 1(4), 479–485. Retrieved from