
  • Khvan O.I Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Forensic Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Don A.N 2Tashkent State Institute of Dentistry


automobile, blunt, trauma, liver, fatal outcome.


The article shows the data of expert evaluation of liver injuries in blunt abdominal trauma. The morphological descriptive characteristics of liver injuries are highly variable, and this is associated with different preconditions for their formation. It should be noted that, despite the diversity of liver injuries, they themselves and their combinations are traceable only in certain types of automobile trauma.


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How to Cite

O.I, K. ., & A.N, D. (2023). ABOUT CLOSED LIVER INJURY IN AUTOMOBILE TRAUMAS WITH LETHAL OUTCOME. Education News: Exploring the 21st Century, 1(6), 236–241. Retrieved from http://nauchniyimpuls.ru/index.php/noiv/article/view/3519