Ключевые слова:
It is important for everyone to know the rules of communication and develop skills and abilities to establish it. TheАннотация
Communication is a multifaceted process of developing connections arising from the needs of joint activities between people. Communication (relationships) includes the exchange of information between participants in joint activities. At the same time, the communicative aspect of these relationships is taken into account. When entering into a relationship, people choose one or another language. Another aspect of communication is the mutual movements of the participants in the relationship - not only words, but also movements during speech.
Библиографические ссылки
Khabiba, J. . (2021). The Relationship Between a Person and His Personality. International Journal of Development and Public Policy, 1(4), 48–50. Retrieved from https://openaccessjournals.eu/index.php/ijdpp/article/view/205
Jurabekova, Kh.M. ROLE OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN INCREASING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS // ORIENSS. 2022. №1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/role-of-a-foreign-language-in-increasing-communicative-competence-of-students
Азизова М.Р., Каримова Ф.И., Мирзаева Н,С. Journal INX. Effective methods of teaching english and its relation to other sciens.
Usmonova Sharifa Gulamovna. Analysis of Utkir Khashimov's "Dard" Story
Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature and ELT 2 (3) 8-10, 2022