
  • Mehriban Subidinovna Baratova
  • Ilkhom Kurbanovich Bakaev


left ventricular remodeling, left atrial stunning, cardiac arrhythmias, VE, AF, arterial hypertension.


Harvard Medical School called the phenomenon of myocardial stunning, which means "stunning". In addition, the question of whether myocardial stunning has clinical significance, since the decrease in myocardial contractility during stunning is reversible, remained controversial. An increase in blood pressure leads to the development of left ventricular (LV) remodeling, which includes the processes of hypertrophy and dilatation, changes in geometry and impaired systolic and diastolic functions. Structural changes in the LV are accompanied by an overload of the left atrium (LA) and its dilatation, which, in turn, leads to stunning of the LA and is a factor predisposing to the development of rhythm disturbances such as ventricular extrasystoles (VE), atrial fibrillation (AF). On the other hand, this rhythm disturbance itself causes LA dilatation. However, recent research data indicate that a more accurate marker of LA structural remodeling is the LA volume index.


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