Ключевые слова:
экономика, мотив, механизм, материальные и нематериальные факторы, теории мотивации.Аннотация
в данной статье анализируется научная литература, связанная с разработкой политики информационной безопасности, обеспечением защиты периметра экономических информаций, а также нормами, стандартами и законами Республики Узбекистан в области информационной безопасности. В то же время была проанализирована работа независимых лабораторий в области информационной безопасности и статистические данные за прошлые годы.
Библиографические ссылки
F.W. Taylor Principles of scientific management/ F.W. Taylor // Controlling. - M. - 1991. - 184 p.
J. Stacy Adams «Inequity in Social Exchanges» in Berkowitz, ed. Advances in Experiential Social Psychology. NY: Academic Press, 1965, pp. 267-300.
Walter B. Newsome. Motivate, Now, 1992. - P. 458.
A.M. Yugay Economic relations and motivation for the development of innovative technologies in agriculture (theory and practice) / A.M. Yugay. – M.: MSHA, 2002. - 582 p.
B. X. Muradov. Improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of coal industry enterprises in a strategic approach. «Industrial Economics and management: problems and solutions».//The on topic of II-collection of materials of international scientific-practical conference. International scientific-practical conference is a collection of articles and abstracts. Department of «Industrial Economics and management of the faculty" engineering technologies». TSTU named after Islam Karimov. Т.: 2022. 22.05.144-147 p.
B. X. Muradov. Рublic-private partnership to ensure the current economic stability of the coal industry in educational institutions in the energy sector. «Industrial Economics and management: problems and solutions».// The on topic of II-collection of materials of international scientific-practical conference. International scientific-practical conference is a collection of articles and abstracts. Department of «Industrial Economics and management of the faculty» engineering technologies".TSTU named after Islam Karimov. Т.: 2022. 22.05.141-144 p.
Б. Х. Мурадов Энергия ишлаб чиқаришда кўмир саноати корхоналарини ривожлантиришнинг замонавий холати ва уларга таьсир этувчи омиллар.// «Инновацион техника ва технологияларнинг қишлоқ хўжалиги озиқ-овқат тармоғидаги муаммо ва истиқболлари».// II-Халқаро анжуман илмий ишлар тўплами. - Тошкент. ТошДТУ, 2022. 22-23 апрель Тошкент. 484-498 вароклар
B. X. Muradov. The modern state of development of Kumir industrial enterprises and the factors influencing them.// "The role and significance of digital life and Social Sciences in the upbringing of a harmonious generation: current issues and prospects.".// International scientific and practical conference collection of scientific articles and theses. III-IV-subsidiary. Andijan AndMI, 2022. April 12. 2022 Andijan. 292-296 sheets. 5 b.
B. X. Muradov. Features of the development of organizational economic mechanisms of modern industrial enterprises.// "The role and significance of digital life and Social Sciences in the upbringing of a harmonious generation: current issues and prospects".// International scientific and practical conference collection of scientific articles and theses. III-IV-subsidiary. Andijan AndMI, 2022. April 12. 2022 Andijan. 296-300 sheets. 5 b.