kompazitor, klassika, Yevropa mumtoz musiqasiAbstract
Yevropa mamalakatlarida tug’ilib o’sgan, kompazitorlar va ushbu mamlakatlar xalqlari musiqa madaniyati, an’analari negizida shakllangan, yoki ushbu kompazitorlar tomonidan mukammal shaklga keltirilgan janrlar – kantata, simfoniya, oratoriya, syuita, poema, ballada, balet, opera, uvertyura, sonata kabi ko’p ovozlilik xususiyatiga ega janrlar va ularga xos ilk namunalar o’rta asrlarda paydo bo’lgan. Bu janrlarda asarlar yaratishning qoidalari ham o’sha davrlardan shakllanib, hozirgi davrda yuksak rivojlanish cho’qqisiga ko’tarilgan
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Oxford anthology of Western music. Vol. 2. The mid-eighteenth century to the late nineteenth century / eds K. Moricz, D. Schneider. N.-Y.; Oxford: Oxford University press, [2013]. XI, 802 p.
Oxford anthology of Western music. Vol. 3. The twentieth century / eds K. Moricz, D. Schneider. N.-Y.; Oxford: Oxford University press, [2013]. XI, 604 p.
Oxford recorded anthology of Western music. Concise edition. 3 compact discs of MP3 files to accompany The Oxford history of Western music; College ed. Oxford University press. 190 tracks; 14 hours and 52 minutes of music on three discs.